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Empowering Developers with Dinari's B2B API and Managed Account Services

Empowering Developers with Dinari's B2B API and Managed Account Services


In our relentless pursuit to democratize access to premium investment opportunities, Dinari is thrilled to unveil our state-of-the-art B2B API and Managed Account services. These innovations are set to redefine how developers and businesses incorporate tokenized US stocks, ETFs, and more into their offerings, making it easier than ever for users worldwide to engage with dShares.

Crafted with precision, Dinari's REST API offers a comprehensive toolkit for both crypto-native and traditional developers. This suite of tools facilitates a variety of functions, from order processing through Dinari smart contracts to accessing real-time price feeds and utilizing advanced reporting features. Our goal is to empower the creation of dynamic and groundbreaking financial products.

Managed Accounts

In harmony with our B2B API, the Managed Account service provides a streamlined solution for businesses aiming to optimize their digital asset management. This service simplifies order management and can simplify wallet creation (drop us an email linked below), enabling businesses to concentrate on innovating for their customers. With our intuitive REST interface, developers can swiftly integrate Dinari’s services to deliver on business goals without the overhead of managing a complex Web3 infrastructure.

Building for the Future

Dinari is committed to fostering a supportive ecosystem for businesses at every stage of their integration process. We offer extensive documentation, access to developer resources, and unparalleled customer support to guarantee a frictionless integration journey.

We are excited about the potential these tools unlock for developers in the financial domain and eagerly anticipate the inventive applications they will inspire. By introducing these solutions, Dinari continues to lead the charge in making investing more inclusive and integrated.

As we roll out our B2B API and Managed Account services, we encourage businesses to discover how these advancements can revolutionize their financial operations. Dinari remains dedicated to evolving our offerings and empowering businesses to thrive in the digital economy.

For further details or to schedule a demonstration, please:

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