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Dinari Earns Full Marks on Recent Hacken Security Audit

Dinari Earns Full Marks on Recent Hacken Security Audit

We at Dinari are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and transparency. As part of this commitment, we recently underwent a detailed smart contract audit conducted by Hacken. We're pleased to share the key findings and outcomes of this audit (spoiler: we received full marks!), which underscore our dedication to providing a secure and reliable platform for our users.

Audit Overview

The audit performed by Hacken focused on a series of smart contracts integral to our Decentralized Stock Trading Platform and Smart Wallet functionalities. The contracts audited include our core dShares, XDShare for reinvestment, TransferRestrictor for operational control, and DividendDistribution for USDC payments. You can find the full report from this audit and past audits at the bottom of our Contracts page in our Docs.

Audit Highlights

The audit performed

  1. Documentation Quality: Our protocol's documentation received a perfect score, demonstrating the clarity and thoroughness of our functional and technical specifications. The protocol's website and NatSpec comments were especially commended.
  2. Code Quality: Our development environment and the overall quality of our code were rated at the top, reflecting our commitment to best practices and high standards in software development.
  3. Test Coverage: The code coverage was an impressive 100%, indicating comprehensive testing protocols. While some negative scenarios require further attention, the overall robustness of our tests is a testament to our commitment to quality.
  4. Security Score: The audit concluded with our security score also at the highest rating. No critical security issues were found, and all identified issues were addressed and resolved promptly.

Addressed Findings

Several findings from the audit were noted and immediately addressed to ensure the utmost security and efficiency of our platform:

Ongoing Commitment

This audit is part of our ongoing commitment to security and excellence. We continuously strive to improve and adopt the best practices in the industry. Our team has carefully considered each recommendation from Hacken and has implemented necessary changes to enhance the security and functionality of our smart contracts.


We extend our sincere gratitude to Hacken for their rigorous and detailed analysis. Their expertise has helped us improve and strengthen our platform's security posture.

We also want to thank our community for their trust and support. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and transparency and will continue to keep you updated on our progress and improvements.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for being part of the Dinari journey!

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