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Introducing the New Dinari Sign Up Bonus and Referral Program!

Introducing the New Dinari Sign Up Bonus and Referral Program!

At Dinari, we're always on the lookout for ways to make Securities Backed Tokens accessible and beneficial to everyone. Today, we're excited to introduce our latest initiatives: the Dinari Sign Up Bonus and Referral Programs. It's a simple yet rewarding way for our users to share the benefits of dShares with their network and earn dShares in return.

How Does It Work?

Participating in our Referral Program is straightforward. When you refer a friend, colleague, or anyone else to Dinari using your unique tracked link, and they make qualifying purchases totalling $5 or more worth of dShare, you'll receive a dShare Mystery Box of a random amount of AAPL.d as a token of our appreciation (subject to qualification). Additionally, new users who sign up and make qualifying purchases totalling $5 or more of dShares will receive an AAPL.d dShare Mystery Box. It’s that simple!

Why Should You Participate?

  1. Earn While You Share: We believe in the power of sharing knowledge and opportunities. With our Referral Program, you can earn dShares for introducing others to Dinari
  2. Secure and Transparent: Dinari's dShares are 1-to-1 backed by our reserves, providing a secure and transparent way to participate in the Securities Backed Token revolution. By participating in our program, you're joining a community dedicated to responsible and innovative Real World Asset Token solutions.
  3. Support the Ecosystem: By referring others to Dinari, you're contributing to the growth of the Real World Asset Token ecosystem. The more people who understand and participate in Securities Backed Tokens, the stronger and more resilient the technology becomes.

How to Get Started

Getting started with our Referral Program is easy. If you're already a Dinari user, you'll find your unique tracked link in your account dashboard. Share this link with friends, colleagues, or anyone interested in exploring the world of Securities Backed Tokens with Dinari.

For those who are new to Dinari, signing up is a breeze. Simply connect your wallet, and you'll receive your unique referral link that you can share with your network. Rewards you accumulate will be made available by 5pm Eastern Time USA the following day.

We're excited to launch our Referral Program and invite you to participate in this rewarding experience. By sharing the benefits of dShares and introducing others to the world of Real World Asset Tokens, you not only earn dShares but also contribute to the growth of our community.

At Dinari, we're dedicated to transparency, innovation, and responsible blockchain solutions. Join us in our mission to make financial technology more accessible and rewarding for all, and help us build the future of finance.

Ready to get started? Visit the Referral Program page  to learn more about our Referral Program and begin sharing the benefits of dShares today.

Sign up & make a qualifying purchase to receive a dShare Mystery Box

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Mistery Box Illustration