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TOKEN2049 and Korea Blockchain Week 2023 Recap

TOKEN2049 and Korea Blockchain Week 2023 Recap

Over the past few weeks, we have been on a quite a journey, participating in two major blockchain events, TOKEN2049 in Singapore and Korea Blockchain Week in Korea. These events provided a platform for us to connect with industry experts, share our insights, and engage with the community. Here's a recap of our exciting journey through these events.

Korea Blockchain Week: An Immersive Experience

To start our travels, Dinari set its sights on Korea Blockchain Week, a cornerstone event in the annual conference calendar. This event provided a comprehensive overview of the state of the ecosystem, touching on topics such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), web3 gaming, and the broader cryptocurrency market. We attended quite a few events and shared insights about the evolving landscape of security-backed tokens along the way!

TOKEN2049: A Prominent Showcase

Following Korea, we traveled to TOKEN2049, held in Singapore, and renowned as one of the premier DeFi and blockchain conferences in Asia. For Dinari, this event was an opportunity to share our vision and expertise in the emerging field of security-backed tokens. Our Chief Legal Officer, Chas Rampental, took center stage at the KuCoin Stage to deliver a thought-provoking talk on "Global Investing With Securities-Backed Tokens." His insights shed light on the transformative potential of decentralized finance infrastructure and it's implications for the future.

The Mystery Box: Gift Cards and Nvidia dShares

As part of our engagement at TOKEN2049, we introduced a unique opportunity for attendees to recieve their first securities-backed dShare tokens. Participants we met recieved "dShare Mystery Boxes" gift cards containing portions of Nvidia shares (NVDA.d) - our way of sharing the excitement of securities-backed tokens and providing our community with a taste of the future of finance.

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