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24 Hours to Blast Off: Dinari Launches on Blast Mainnet

24 Hours to Blast Off: Dinari Launches on Blast Mainnet

For the past few weeks, we have been paying attention to Blast for a multitude of reasons. Their innovative protocol that weaves staked, yield-bearing Ethereum into their protocol caught our attention, and their swift move to market strategy resonated with our ethos. Our initial outreach to Blast's team for a potential collaboration on their Testnet aligned with our vision to explore cross-chain capabilities. However, their hands were full—understandably so, as they revealed with the launch of their Mainnet at ETH Denver.

Witnessing their pace and ambition with the Blast Mainnet launch, we knew it was time to shift gears. In a swift decision during our Thursday team planning call, we chose to ramp up our efforts. It was a calculated yet spirited decision to run a 'fire drill' sprint—an experiment designed to stress test our cross-chain infrastructure well ahead of our scheduled Ethereum Mainnet rollout.

Read the live Tweets here:

The ensuing hours were a whirlwind of coding, real-time problem-solving, and teamwork. With every progress update tweeted out, we welcomed our community to join us on this impromptu journey. True to the nature of live deployments, we ran into bugs, but by Friday, we had a working version of our tokens and smart contracts on the Blast Mainnet—flawed, but functioning.

Over the course of the weekend, our team engaged in meticulous polishing and rigorous debugging. By the early hours of Monday, we had smoothed out the kinks. Our dShares tokens, along with the minting and burning functions, were operational on Blast Mainnet. Now, anyone can mint and burn 1:1 backed dShares—representing tokenized stocks, ETFs, and more—on platforms like Arbitrum One and Blast L2, with more integrations on the horizon.

To get an inside look at the deployment saga, you can view our series of live tweets that chronicled every step. Plus, don’t miss the time-lapse video created by an enthusiastic community member that captures the essence of this exciting rollout.

Watch our video:

As we press forward, expect to hear much more from us. Keep an eye on our social channels—Twitter, Discord, Telegram, LinkedIn—for the latest Dinari updates. This month is set to be packed with news and developments, each paving the way for a more interconnected and innovative financial ecosystem.

• Website: https://www.dinari.com/

• Documentation: https://docs.dinari.com/

• Telegram: https://t.me/dinariglobal

• Discord: https://discord.gg/dinari

• Twitter: https://twitter.com/DinariGlobal

• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dinari-global/

• Github: https://github.com/dinaricrypto

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