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USD+ and stUSD+ - Dinari's Leap into Yield-Bearing Stablecoin

USD+ and stUSD+ - Dinari's Leap into Yield-Bearing Stablecoin

After a few months of development work and testing, we are thrilled to unveil USD+ and stUSD+, a pair of tokens backed 1:1 by US dollars and the building blocks of a yield-bearing protocol that accrues value for investors.

A Stablecoin for Stability and Growth

Our new stablecoin USD+ and its earning counterpart stUSD+ offer a solid foundation of US Dollar-pegged stability (with guaranteed 1:1 redemptions), coupled with the potential for growth based on fixed income assets. USD+ and stUSD+ are available now on Ethereum mainnet (with more blockchains coming soon). You can find the dapp to mint and burn USD+ and stUSD+ here: https://usd.dinari.com/

USD+ opens up access to US dollar denominated yield for more investors around the globe. I gueEach token is backed by a 1:1 reserve of US dollar based assets, providing a convenient unit of account, store of value, and source of stable yield.  Digital asset reserves are held publicly in an on chain treasury for easy auditing and verification.

Details about USD+ and stUSD+

The USD+ protocol offers a way to earn yield in a USD-denominated format on the blockchain. It involves two types of tokens: USD+, which acts as a stable unit of value equivalent to 1 USD, and Staked USD+ (stUSD+), which is used to accumulate yield.

Users can mint new USD+ tokens by depositing stablecoin of equivalent USD value, and similarly, they can redeem USD+ tokens for stablecoin of equivalent USD value. When users then deposit their new USD+ tokens into the Staked USD+ contract, they become eligible to earn yield (if staked for longer than the minimum staking period).

The protocol generates yield by investing the capital from minted USD+ tokens into low-risk assets, initially focusing on short-term US Treasury bills. These investments are designed to be safe and provide a return over time. When these investments produce yield, it increases the total value of the assets backing the USD+ tokens. This additional yield is then distributed to holders of Staked USD+ by minting new USD+ tokens and adding them to the Staked USD+ contract, thereby increasing the holders' share of the yield.

A Milestone in Dinari's Journey

The launch of USD+ and stUSD+ marks a pivotal chapter in our roadmap. In addition to our 30+ 1:1 backed dShare assets, this release embodies our commitment to building products that not only meet current market demands, but also pave the way for future protocol development.

As we unveil USD+ and stUSD+, we invite our community to explore the new horizons they bring to digital finance. These stablecoins are more than just assets; they are tools designed to empower and elevate your investment experience by providing a composable, inflation hedged store of value.

Dinari’s Future Roadmap

At Dinari, we’re always looking for innovative ways to open access to financial opportunities and level the playing field for our community of investors worldwide. The launch of USD+ and stUSD+ is just the beginning - we’ve have some big announcements planned for the coming weeks and months we’re excited to share with you!

Want to learn more or get started with USD+? Visit our minting and burning dapp here: usd.dinari.com, our documentation here: https://docs.dinari.com/v/usd+-user-guide/, or our whitepaper here: https://assets.dinari.com/forms/usdplus-whitepaper.pdf

Stay tuned for more updates and join us as we forge ahead into a future where digital finance is not just accessible but also empowering.

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