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February 2024 Monthly Recap

February 2024 Monthly Recap

February has been a busy month and we're thrilled to share some very significant milestones and developments achieved by our team. 

USD+ Launch 

Our USD+ stablecoin is officially on Ethereum Mainnet, providing users with a yield bearing stablecoin 1:1 backed by US Dollars. With a 30-day minimum staking period, 4.87% APY, and a 3-day redemption period, USD+ opens up access to US dollar denominated yield for more investors around the globe.

DeFi and CeFi Listings 

Earlier this month we announced our partnership with Ajna, Plume, and Camelot Dex as they are helping us drive more liquidity into the RWA space. In addition, dShares have been listed on the Coinstore exchange, making it easier for users to trade and invest in our products. This includes the launch of COIN.d, AAPL.d, and stUSD+. We have been working on expanding our DeFi and chain integrations and are proud to be listed on DeFiLlama. 

New Assets: Commodities ETFs 

The launch of our new dShares for Commodities ETFs, WEAT, PHO, SLX, WOOD, will provide our users with even more investment options. These Commodities dShares are 1:1 backed and receive dividends, and can be used by investors, DeFi protocols, metaverse games, and more to bring exposure to and build creative solutions for commodities Real World Assets on chain, with the utmost standard of security and compliance. 

B2B API Service 

We launched our B2B API and Managed Account services, enabling businesses and developers to offer decentralized finance solutions to their users. Our B2B API suite includes order processing, real-time price feeds, and detailed reporting, crafted for seamless integration across the board. The Managed Account service simplifies digital asset management, providing unparalleled security and control without the need for blockchain expertise. 

Partnerships and Community Initiatives

We have been working on expanding our partnerships with Polytrade and community initiatives like adding $200 to our Camelot Dex Pool, opening up referral links, mystery boxes, and gift cards to reward our users. 

Blast L2 Mainnet Launch

We also did a fire-drill experiment to test our cross-chain infrastructure by launching in 24 hours on Blast L2 Mainnet. You can follow the journey in our live tweets, or trade dShares on Blast in the links below.

We have launched the Guardian role in our Discord which will include benefits and be a possible requirement for future moderator role. We are also ramping up our Discord and Twitter presence and will be hosting several AMAs with partners such as Arbitrum and more! 

Upcoming Developments 

As we look ahead to the month of March, we remain committed to refining and expanding our platform.We are working on several upgrades such as a dividend overhaul, adding to our list of wrapped dShares, and the dShares Ethereum Mainnet launch. Additionally, we plan to launch USD+ on Arbitrum one, providing users with more options for cross-chain interoperability as we move forward towards becoming multichain friendly.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and stay tuned for more exciting updates in the near future! 

• Website: https://www.dinari.com/

• Documentation: https://docs.dinari.com/

• Telegram: https://t.me/dinariglobal

• Discord: https://discord.gg/dinari

• Twitter: https://twitter.com/DinariGlobal

• Github: https://github.com/dinaricrypto

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